LINUX: (user) is not in the sudoers file
In Unix/Linux systems, the root
user account can be used to do anything and everything achievable on the system. However, this can be very dangerous because the root user might enter a wrong command and breaks the whole system or an attacker gets access to root user account and takes control of the whole system.
In some Linux distributions, the root user account is locked by default, regular users (system administrators or not) can only gain super user privileges by using the sudo
How to Fix the Problem
First, change to root user.
$ sudo su
Now, let’s edit sudoers using nano editor.
nano /etc/sudoers
Try to find the section where this text is in place.
# User privilege specification
Insert the missing user right below of the text above as shown below.
<your user> ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
After edit it, press CTRL + O simultaneously and press ENTER to confirm the changes. Next, press CTRL + X to exit nano editor. You can leave root user using the following command:exit
Now you can run any program via terminal.